The Intent of Netley Abbey Pre-School is to provide a happy, safe and nurturing environment in which children can learn through play. It is our intent to ensure that all children regardless of their starting point make good progress by using the 7 areas of the EYFS and their next steps to plan adult and child lead activities. We provide opportunities for the children to become confident communicators through modelling and extending language, using stories, songs and rhymes. Through their play we will ensure the children learn and progress to be the best they can be. By using the seven areas of the EYFS we work to enable the children to become positive members of the community. We welcome parents and carers involvement as we believe that together we can help the children achieve their full potential.
At Netley Abbey Pre-School we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
Made up of the four overriding principles.
Unique Child : Every child is unique who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, Confident and Self -assured.
Positive relationships : Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Enabling Environments: Children learn and develop well in enabling environments in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners, parents and carers.
Learning and development : Children learn and develop in different ways The frame work covers the education and care of all the children in early years provision including children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Our planning is play based combined with some adult initiated learning , giving the children the basic skills they will need before moving on to Primary school.
The children are provided with opportunities for both indoor and outdoor play.
They engage in planned focused activities as well as self-initiated activities.
The children engage in independent learning opportunities as well as adult lead group work
We use questioning to encourage children to query the world around them. We encourage the children through their own exploration to develop independence, creativity and problem-solving skills. Throughout the day children have the opportunity to work collaboratively, independently and with members of staff.
We work hard to ensure all our children progress across the seven areas of the EYFS.
We use Tapestry online learning journals to record the children’s progress alongside a paper copy of the seven areas of the EYFS for each child as a easy access visual guide for the keyperson to see how each child is progressing.
We use our observations to enable us to plan and build on the children’s current knowledge.
We endeavour to ensure that our children leave pre-school ready to move on to Year F