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Dates for your diary

Half term Monday 12th – Friday 16th February

Easter 29th March -12th April

May Bank holiday 6th May

Half term Monday 27th -31st May

Last day of term Friday 19th July

Inset days

Friday 15th March

Friday 14th June

Friday 5th July

We would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and a big thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we received for Christmas.

If your child injures themselves outside of Pre-school, please ensure you fill in an existing injury form they can be found in the lobby.

Due to the amount of rain, we have had recently please can you supply your child with a change of clothes that can be left at Pre-school as we go outside most days and they do get wet and muddy.

 Unfortunately, we have no space for you to leave buggies, bikes scooters etc inside Pre-school If you leave any personal belongings outside, they are left at your own risk.

Would anyone be able to do a dump run for us. We would really appreciate it.

If you need to talk to us, please come in we can always make time for you.

Terri Lesley Diane and Kathryn

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