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Welcome back to a new term

Dates for your diary

Half term: Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November

Christmas Holiday Monday 16th December – Friday 3rd January

February half term Monday 17th -Friday 21st

Easter Holiday Friday 4th – Tuesday 22nd

Half term 26th – 30th May Finish for Summer Holidays Friday 18th July.


Inset days: Monday 11th November

Friday 14th March

Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd July

Please can we ask that you name all your child’s belongings, this avoids confusion and upset when there is more than one item the same.

We will be sending home a sheet of WOW moments with your child. When your child does something at home that makes you think Wow, please complete one and send it in to pre-school we will then read it out at circle time and display them on our Wow board.

Tapestry You should all now be able to log in to your child’s Tapestry account to see what your child does at pre-school.

Please can we ask that you complete the about me section as this helps us get to know your child and their family.We will be putting your child’s next steps on Tapestry during October, February and May.

If at you would like to discuss them with your child’s key person please arrange a time with them. We are always available at drop off or pick up time if you want to speak to a member of staff but can we ask that you come in and wait until we have all the children in or out thank you.

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